Scp light containment zone
Scp light containment zone

scp light containment zone

Civilians trespassing the borders of the containment area are to be apprehended and subjected to light amnestic treatment, then released in a nearby urban zone. Additional security measures, such as cameras and alarms, must follow the security standards of Level 2 for wilderness areas 1. Foundation personnel, posing as environmental guards must constantly patrol the containment perimeter. Special Containment Procedures: The mine pit where SCP-050-PT is located must remain sealed, and access severely restricted within a 5-kilometre radius around it under the guise of it being a protected zone for the reproduction of the Azure Jay. Object Class: Keter Scp Light Containment Zone Oh no ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnn Comment by Сатоша Гавнюченко *gets in elevator at one* *elevator decides to go back down* Comment by C-RAM The removal of organic substances has now begun, Comment by C-RAM Light Containment Zone is locked down and ready for decontamination. you're welcome i guess? Comment by Veber thanks Comment by C-RAM FixPlayĪll scp are sterilisation Comment by Funny. Me, still sitting in my cell with the boys, blasting music Comment by Funny. Before you start commenting on other people's 'mistakes', play the game. “YO WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR, GET IN THE ELEVATOR YOU FUCKING MORON!” Comment by C-RAMĪre you an idiot? The original has the 15min mark, 5 min mark, 1 min, and 30 seconds. Sad😢 Comment by *missing Comment by no hes right its mussing 10 minute, how bout YOU play the game Comment by User 72838936 The peanut is bloking the exit oh god oh f Comment by Привет любимейший друг In order to access Heavy Containment Zone from here, it is required to own a Level 3 Keycard. This zone is primarily used for storage and containment lower classified anomalies (Safe and Euclid) known as SCP's. The Light Containment Zone (abbreviated as LCZ) is most likely the first zone to be encountered. It contains 4 SCP containment chambers, and a few other special rooms which will be listed down below Each room in LCZ has a codename, which is displayed above the door which leads to the room described. The Light Containment Zone is the deepest part of the facility. The zone is made up of multiple key rooms, such as SCP-012's room, GR-18, airlocks, and SCP-914. Each code includes what the room is, which can be used to predict what room is behind a certain door, as well as to help one's sense of direction. The Light Containment Zone is a concrete grid of rooms, numbered with distinct codes. Pages in category 'Light Containment Zone' The following 58 pages are in this category, out of 58 total. However, this information is better presented on the Light Containment Zone page.

Scp light containment zone